
Time Warp Jazz Orchestra performs October 6, 2009

Time Warp is one of Canada’s longest running jazz ensembles. Founded in the late 1970’s by jazz composers Al Henderson (bass) and Barry Elmes (drums), the group (featuring saxophonist Kelly Jefferson and trumpeter Kevin Turcotte) has forged both a unique style and an original repertoire drawing on musical influences spanning the entire history of jazz.

Time Warp is expanding to fifteen members for a special concert on October 6 celebrating York University’s 50th anniversary. They will be performing a number of original compositions from the Time Warp repertoire as well as two pieces by Duke Ellington.

The Time Warp Jazz Orchestra features the return of former Time Warp saxophonists Bob Brough (1980-90) and Mike Murley (1985-2000) to create Time Warp’s own version of the three tenors.

The band will also be augmented by a number of other York University Faculty members. Noted saxophonists David Mott and Sundar Viswanathan will be joining Kelly Jefferson, Bob Brough and Mike Murley to create a formidable sax section. Time Warp trumpeter Kevin Turcotte will be joined by trumpeter Bill Thomas and trombonist Ron Westray, newly appointed to the prestigious Oscar Peterson Endowed Chair for Jazz Performance. Also helping to give the Time Warp Orchestra a unique sound will be cellists Matt Brubeck and Mark Chambers.

As a special bonus, vocalist Karen Burke, a well known Canadian gospel artist (and York faculty member) will join the orchestra to perform two Duke Ellington compositions from his Sacred Concerts.

Co-leaders Al Henderson and Barry Elmes will be joined in the rhythm section by two of their long-time musical friends: guitarist Lorne Lofsky and pianist Mark Eisenman (who was a guest artist on the CD Time Warp Plays the Music of Duke Ellington).

This is a special one-time only event that should be a must for anyone who has ever enjoyed a Time Warp performance.

Location: Tribute Communities Recital Hall, Accolade East Building, York University
Admission: $15 | $5 students & seniors
Time: October 6, 2009 7:30 p.m.

Box Office: 416-736-5888 | www.yorku.ca/perform/boxoffice
Location: Tribute Communities Recital Hall, Accolade East Building, York University
Sponsor: Department of Music
Contact: jkaracs@yorku.ca
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